The challenge was launched to the 90 participants of Conecta Biblioteca: they were encouraged to activate a diverse network of young people in their municipalities to act as volunteers for the program. These groups played a key role in community research, helping to understand the real local needs and demands for the design of a new programming for these spaces.
Throughout the trajectory of our program, 80% of participating municipalities carried the idea forward with the creation of youth committees in libraries. In addition to contributing to the success of the initiative, these volunteers acquire skills and experiences that make all the difference for their future as citizens and professionals. We highlight achievements of 4 youth committees of Conecta Biblioteca. Get inspired!
1. Plugados

Where: Guararema-SP – Lourdinha Évora Station
About 130 young people have already participated in program meetings, with 10 leaders and 20 effective members. The Plugados conducted all the community research interviews and recorded the conversations, which will soon be shared on a Youtube channel. The interaction among the volunteers also resulted in many stories of overcoming obstacles for the group, showing the positive impact of the program on the social reintegration of young people in vulnerable situations.
2. Movimento Consciência Ativa – Young Reading Committee

Where: Jundiaí – SP – Nelson Foot Library
With biweekly meetings on Saturdays, the group thinks of innovative formats for these meetings, such as an outdoor poetry reading in the central region of Jundiaí. In this way, they also seek to encourage the interest of the population in reading and take the opportunity to collect interviews for the community research.
3. Connected with the library

Where: Juína (MT) – Maria Santana Library
With the initial proposal of expanding the participation of young people in the daily life of the library and reading points, the movement has expanded and gained great relevance in the city. The initiative gave rise to the first Municipal Youth Council of Juína, which will have an advisory and deliberative character in the direction of social and cultural public policies, with its own budget and 20 representatives already elected. Currently, they are articulating the creation of the “biblioca,” a community reading space within the indigenous rikbaktsa group located in the Jurema River basin.
4. Bibliotecamentes

Where: Cariacica (ES) – Madeira de Freitas Library
The group has 5 young people directly involved in the tasks of Conecta Biblioteca, such as field research, interviews with the population, and potential partners. As a practical result of this work, the library reinforced the offer of online technology courses on its ten computers and obtained support from the municipal administration to offer a face-to-face and free basic computer course. The classes will be taught by João Carlos Valadares Júnior, a volunteer of the young committee passionate about technology.