The friendship between Igor Monteiro and Iago Ayres, both 16 years old, goes back a long way. Classmates at Colégio Embraer Juarez Wanderley, in São José dos Campos, in the interior of São Paulo, since they were children, the young men always teamed up on entrepreneurship projects at school.
Even with the school closed during the pandemic, the partnership continued. The duo decided to participate in the Recoders Challenge, creating an app project that could improve safety in society. They chose InSafe, which aims to provide information and the safest routes through the streets, making it possible for people to avoid robberies and dangerous situations.

“I’ve had bad experiences with my family here in the city, where we were almost robbed because we didn’t know the way. InSafe allows people to know the risks they are taking and to walk more cautiously in certain places or choose another route to get to their destination,” says Igor.
To facilitate the execution of the plan, the friends communicated a lot through messaging apps and divided the tasks. The reward came at the time of the result: they finished the challenge in fourth place.

“This achievement makes us think about taking the idea of the app further. It would be great for people and would have a positive impact on society. Making it come to life and become a reality in the future is our desire,” celebrates Iago.